Writing Your Way Out Of Trauma- Writing Workshop
If you are a trauma survivor, chances are you have struggled to find the words to describe the pain, anger, shame, and sadness you feel about what happened to you. You are not alone........
Join authors, Alexis Acker-Halbur, Meg Blaine Corrigan, and other trauma survivors, for an enlightening workshop designed to help you find just the right words to express how you are feeling.
Writing Workshop : Saturday, March 24, 2018
Time: 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Place: Christ Lutheran Church - The Fireside Room 11194 36th Street North, Lake Elmo, MN. 55042
Cost : $15.00 includes rolls and coffee and a light lunch (pre-registration required due to limited seating before March 20, 2018)
Contact : Meg Corrigan at MegCorrigan@comcast.net
Mail check to: Meg Corrigan, 8655 27th Street North, Lake Elmo, MN 55042, or pay at door ( cash, check, or credit)
This event is being sponsored by EmpowerSurvivors. For more information about this 501c3 charitable nonprofit please visit website at http://www.empowersurvivors.net/